I was very disappointed with P.E. 101's handling of my daughter's
birthday party. P.E. 101 only had 1 (one) person scheduled to direct
the party (there were 22 kids); and this person was less than thrilled to be there to say
the least. Parents had to help the kids out of the foam pit; Parents
had to help the children by the trampoline; the only activity the
P.E. 101 employee did was direct a few games; yell at the kids a
few times; and help hand out cupcakes. I felt like I needed to pay
the parents who helped out w/the kids.
Many of the parents commented on the employee's poor
attitude through-out the birthday party. It was quite obvious that
directly the party was the very, very last place she wanted to be.
I essentially paid $150 to rent the space for 90 minutes. Luckily,
the kids ran around and enjoyed essentially unsupervised and
unstructured play for 90 minutes; many parents commented
on how poorly P.E. 101 handled this birthday party.
The party was definitely not worth the $150.