Having moved eight times in the past twelve years, I had always enjoyed the convenience of renting an apartment. Despite the fact that I was"throwing my money away," I always quite enjoyed not having to fix things myself and the ability to move whenever I pleased. But my experience with Myers Real Estate finally convinced me to buy a house, in a way that my parents' admonishments never could. It literally took months of carping to get even the smallest repairs done. My apartment hadn't been painted in at least 10 years -- and had the yellowed walls complete with cracks chipping paint to prove it -- but they wouldn't even give me a free can of paint to do it myself. Repairs were made on evenings and weekends when I was at home -- incredibly annoying after a day at work. My experience with Myer's was nothing if not depressing. On the up side: they seemed to be some of the only landlords who allowed pets, the rent was reasonable, and they never charged me if my rent was a day or two late.