Several years ago I brought in a Panasonic DVD recorder that had an intermittent fault. It was the last day of the warranty period but they didn't make any fuss at all. Told me it would be at least a week, maybe two before they would call with information. Well, they called and told me it needed a new part and Panasonic was shipping it immediately. Another week went by and they called saying that a different part was now needed and they would call. A few days later they called and said that didn't fix it either but they had contacted Panasonic who offered either a full refund of my original purchase price or the current equivalent model for free. I took the new recorder and it has been flawless. I don't know of any other repair place that would have gone to this much trouble for a unit one day away from the end of warranty coverage. I need to take in a different video recorder, one over ten years old. We will see what happens.