They evicted my friend for back owed, which wasn't really back owed, it was money they used to make repairs so the place would pass a housing inspection. They told her they would fix it up so she didn't have to move because she had qualified for housing, then they charged her for the repairs. They evicted her over this money, which she doesn't have to pay because the judge realized what they were doing, but she does have to move and will now lose her housing due to the eviction. She's asked them not to put the eviction on her credit because she'll lose housing, and they say they are doing it because she wouldn't let them come into her home after her brother died. at least they didn't get away with stickin her for a bill that wasn't hers.. The vindictiveness and uncaringness about people I hope comes back to them as Karma. They lie, and they steal. Yes they sure got even, they put a 3 yr old on the street, and went out of their way to make sure her mom won't be able to put another roof over their head. Way to go Martini Investments, you DEVILS you. Don't rent from them.