I was suffering from stiffness in my pinkie finger, ringer finger and right wrist, a burning sensation in my right forearm, the back of my hand felt itchy all the time, to the point where I almost scratched my skin off. I had weakness in my right shoulder. I originally went to see my family physician and my x-ray showed a severe curvature in 'neck and was diagnosed with a degenerated disc in my neck. My physician prescribed 10 physical therapy sessions, in which I received hot packs, was shown stretching exercise and received 30 minutes of traction. It did relief some of the pain, but I still had the burning sensation in my forearm and stiffness in my fingers. I was offered more physical therapy or a cortisone injection into the affected area (spinal). I hear a radio advertisement for spinal decompression and did further investigation of the internet. .1 decided to give it a try and avoid the cortisone injection. After the initial consultation, the prescribed plan was for 10 treatments. After only 2 treatments, I was feeling better. The burring sessions in my forearm disappeared and after 4 treatments all of the stiffness and other symptoms subsided. With one last treatment, I can say that spinal decompression saved me from an unnecessary procedure.