I love this place! It fills my spirit with gladness and spontanieous excitement. Almost as though I've become a little girl again. I'm by nature into wicca, also known as the craft, and faeries, all things mystical I guess. I also love ANIME, and I'm usually renting the hentai/ecchi films>yummies. I almost go there all the time. I miss "B' there, he's always a delight. I enjoy seeing him, his mother, and his little daughter every now and then again. He's use to seeing me go there w/Jessie, but it's been a bit. I'm definitely into everything they own and then some. I'm also a member, for about..(thinking) 5 in a half years now and counting. lol. I love this place and I know you and your family, and friends will too. It's so bewitching, it can become addicting. lol. So, go now...run along and check it out.