Yes, that's right. I said a witch! It's true! That being said, the last thing you should fear if you shoplift here is prosecution. I'd be more afraid of being turned into a newt, or having my toenails fall off.
Tarot Cards! Jewelry! Comic Books! Spooky Stuff to Freak Out Your Parents! It's all here, plus more!
When I was in High School, The Green Dragon was *THE* place for nerds, geeks, and loners of all stripes to go (hey, I'm not knocking them, I was ONE of them!). They have gaming competitions there, and if you really want to know something about Star Trek or Star Wars, just go there and ask someone. THey'll be happy to fill your mortal ears with everything you need to know PLUS some.
Large collection of hentai and anime, comics, books, things on sorcery, wizardry, wicca, paganism, occultism, etc.
Say hello to Beowulf while you're there. Yes, his name really is Beowulf. If you laugh at it, he will not like it and neither will you.