Visiting the dentist has always been a traumatic experience for me. The anticipation of pain would make my heart pound. So when a cracked molar Ms. Yvonne (my Hygienist – she’s great with a light touch) had been warning me about for years finally broke the anxiety started. In hind sight my worries were unfounded. Dr. Reeves removed the damaged tooth and replaced it with a crown. I literally didn’t feel any pain throughout the entire procedure, including the Novocain shots.
Dr. Reeves skills as a dentist are unmatched and only exceeded by his ability to put the patient at ease. He continually explained the various steps in the procedure and the sensation I would experience which I found to be very reassuring and disarming.
This is a very unique dental practice where the focus is on the patient and the talent is best-in-class from the hygienists (thanks Ms. Yvonne), to the dental assistants (thanks Ms. Sarah), to the dentists (thanks Dr. Ryan Reeves).
Thanks, John.