I have had hair loss and more as time has passed. I always said I would just have to deal with what I have and felt very sure of that until recently! I ran into an old college buddy and I knew he was experiencing thinning hair a long time ago but to my surprise his hair was nice and thick all over! I asked him if he had a hair transplant and to my surprise he informed me that he was wearing a hair piece! I could not tell at all!!! He let me know that Steve Latham was the one who deserves all the credit! He had gone to others but nobody did as well as Steve in blending the hair with his own to make it look completely natural! So after some time passed I decided to do something about my problem and I made an appointment with him. He examined my head and made some type of mold in the areas I needed more hair and with that he ordered my custom designed hair that would work especially for me. Words can not express how much better I feel when I run into an old friend from the past now and the confidence I have in my appearance when I meet new people too!