I called up to ask for Lip and Chin Laser hair removal procedure,they said it will be 150 for each time usually takes upto 6 procedures,they have a package, if I buy all 6 up front they only charge for 5 and give the 6th one free.The initial welcoming was good and they took me to a room where nurse explained everything of the procedure.To my 1st shock the nurse will be the one who will do all the procedures not the doctor. Then the told me that for this month there is a special deal for lip and chin for $75 a procedure and u buy 6 get the 6th one free.That is like a very good dealfor $450.I wanted to talk to the doctor before I decide on doing the procedure or not...but nurse said only after me paying for the treatment and once nurse starts the procedure then the Doc comes to chk if I have any questions...but if the procedureis already started what is the point in talking to the docif we want to make a decision.anyways I thought that is OK may be the doc is busySo I thought I will go head and do my 1st time procedure that day itself and gave my card for paymentThen the nurse came back told me that I still have to buy the 6th one as this is a promotional deal.I said OK
Then again she came back telling me that lip and chin is not $75 it is $150 and still have to buy the 6th one and the total will be $900 I am likewhat is happening do the people there know what are their prices and deals or they just talk what ever they want.
I said you guys told me over phone and here different prices so I thought I might be eligible for little discount and asked the nurse,she said the doc is not willing to unless u wanted to talk to the doc. I said ok let me talk to the doc.Here comes DR.Marie N. DiLauro , no hello hai or any warm greeting...straight o the point telling she cannot do it, her staff did a mistake telling wrong prices but she cannot do it in n a very highvoice and in the ruddest way that one can talk.And she told me if I wanted discount she will give and do not do the treatment properly.how can I trust her.