My name is Erika and I am the nurse you referred to in your review below. And, like you, I must say, “OH MY GOD WHERE DO I START!”. You failed to mention that you were in our office just one time for a FREE consultation. You have never been our patient, you have never been treated by us and you have never paid us for any services. But the attitude in your review captures the exact attitude you had when you first walked into our office for a FREE consultation. We had never met you and we were very surprised when you arrived with an ugly, rude, condescending and hostile attitude. Almost everyone who comes into our office is nice and friendly, whether they become our patient or not. We have never encountered a person with an attitude like you had on that day.
We met in a consultation room and discussed laser hair removal. At that time we were offering a special price on hair removal and I explained the special pricing. You then asked for a special price for a package and I told you what I thought the price would be but that I had to check. I checked and found I gave you the wrong price and I told you the correct price. You really became irate and demanded I give you the incorrect and lower price. I freely admit that I was wrong when I quoted the package price but I immediately checked and gave you the correct price. We must remember two things. First, the correct special price was still half the regular price, and secondly, you had not paid for anything yet and if you didn’t like the price you could have simply walked out. But, instead, you wanted to argue. You demanded we give you the lower incorrect price and you demanded that we start your treatments immediately even though you were not scheduled for a treatment. You also stated you were going to have other treatments performed on your face that day. We explained that it would not be good for your face to have laser and other treatments performed on the same day. But you were not not going to follow medical advice so we decided we did not want you as a patient.