Sea Breeze Carters is the way to go fishing !!!
Owner - Captain Bob Witt
8680 Genzman Rd.
Oak Harbor, Ohio 43449
Toll Free (877) 616-7780
(Check them out, their web site has a lot of great info !!!)
We Just got back from fishing on Lake Erie. Had a excellent time.
Our package was 3 nights lodging and
2 days fishing 6:00 am till 2:00 pm.
$ 225.00 a person. Great deal !!!
You will need a Ohio fishing license that you can get at the gas station right by the Wild Wing Marina. 3 days $20 each person. (for this years)
You can have your fish cleaned for you. Around .65 per pound.
We went 6-18-06 thru 6-22-06 and in a hour and a half we had our Walleye limit both days. The limit was 6 per person per day. they where 19" - 23" We caught some keeper Perch also.
Check out there chart on their web site for the best dates for the kind of fish you want to go for. (Walleye, Small Mouth and White Bass, Yellow Perch and Freshwater Drum.
We brought our sealer with us and in the trailer we sealed them and froze them to take home in our cooler.
The trailer had everything we needed. Even a grill for cooking out the nice fillets we had.
If you can get Captain Ron I highly recommend him. He showed us a great time. Very nice guy !!! ( I am sure they all are but we had him for both days and it was great !!! )