We were forced to start using the figure skating program at Logitech Ice when the city of San Jose allowed the demolition of the Eastridge Ice Arena. It is clear that the management of Logitech Ice is not at all interested in providing a high quality service to people looking to receive figure skating lessons. Logitech Ice is clearly geared toward ice hockey. I believe that the rink is run by the same organization that runs the San Jose Sharks Hockey Team.
The figure skating program at Eastridge did not have the San Jose Sharks to fall back on, so they had to respond to the needs of the general public who used their facility; that is what I believe is the root of the issue with the figure skating program at Logitech Ice.
Today (6/28/2006) an Ice Dancing class was scheduled to begin. After driving through commute traffic to sign up and attend the initial session, the staff announced that the initial session had been postponed two weeks. It was clear that this message had not gotten to many others, including people who had already signed up and paid for the class. The staff was not at all apologetic for this situation. Note that the Logitech Ice website had not been updated to include this updated information today.
It is apparent that the people who establish the schedules for the figure skating lessons do not take into account any scheduled competitions, holidays or any other special events when they prepare the schedule.