I've lived up the road from this store my whole life and over the years it has been the last resort for those last minute emergency dresses. I can honestly say that I've never shopped here without feeling completely disrespected and offended as a customer, and personally as a young woman. The owner and the other women working here greet you with a flash of a fake smile, and in the same glance contort their faces back to the origional miserable expression that they ALL have on. They follow you throughout the store and haunt you with their eyes. Your treated like a dirtbag-thief befor you even start shopping. Their typical routine is to offer help (without a smile) and if you dont like anything they show you, they act suspicious of your shopping, and then comes the stalking and aggitated sighs. I was once approached by one of the managers here and was asked what I was looking for, she then told me that they didnt have what i wanted an she continued to just stand there and stare at me like she expected me to leave right then and there..very awkward and rude! These stuck up, greedy (yes greedy, $35 for a no-label, cotton camo T-shirt) women are completely void of the capasity to interface with customers on a couth and professional level. I have always been a very polite, respectful and presentable person even as a young girl, and I was never treated as such when Ive shopped here.