I've had low back pain for over 10 years. I've tried everything from pills, physical therapy and spine injections. I didn't want surgery and I Orthopedist didn't recommend it. He referred me to Dr. Hindocha and told me many of his patients have had success from his treatments. My first impression was that he was extremely professional, thorough and very knowledgeable about my problem. I decided that since I've tried everything I have nothing to lose. I started to feel better after each treatment. When my condition improved about 50% and I felt that things were going the right way, Dr. Hindocha taught me some core back exercises designed to strengthen my muscles and take pressure off my spine. Overall, I improved about 90-95%. I still continue my back exercises and haven't see Dr. Hindocha in quite some time. I am very pleased with his service and would recommend him to anyone with back problems.