I originally came to Michigan Avenue Dental Associates a couple of years ago for a second opinion from a recommendation by my wife. The previous dentist I had been seeing always seemed to fine something wrong every time I went in. I just got tired of the same old same old; so I listened to my wife and saw the dentist whom she has been seeing who regularly has determined everything is always OK with her. Even though she has a lot of childhood fillings, about as old as she is, he doesn't tell her she needs them replaced. All she needs is to stop the grinding habit she knows she has been which Dr. James has been telling her about. Now finally she agreed to have him make her one, after she recently broke a tooth weakened from her night grinding. He made her a night appliance for grinding.......to prevent problems from occurring, not just waiting and watching until something expensive is needed. I liked his preventative approach. She should have taken his advice earlier. So I went in, and yes, I still have some old fillings that haven't been replaced yet, but he said they are holding their own, no need to replace them, and he will alert me if there should be any change that really necessitates their expensive replacement. He said even though the fillings maybe "old", they probably would last at least 10 or more years. I am certain if I was still with my prior dentist, I would have three more expensive crowns by now. I appreciate the conservative approach Dr. James takes.