Wrigley Field in and of itself is a magnificent facility in most every way. It's world famous and first class all around. Speaking of class, there are a couple problems that are not necessarily the fault of Wrigley. A lot has changed. Too much. Some of the fans have very little class (drunkin' kids out of control, yuppies shouting on cell phones and a lot of people that are there for every reason but baseball). It's very sad.
Yes, there are still some great folks in the stadium that do seem to care, but iIf you really love baseball and respect the game, you may want to go to another facility to really hear, watch and enjoy baseball. But if you want to just have a good time and can get past the flaws of some of the "fans" then it's worth it. If you are annoyed by screaming yups and frat boys, go to the upper deck and you will have a much better time, still have a good view of the park, and you'll sit with more of the "real" folks.