If you are the mom of children ages birth to 1st grade then this is the group for you.
This is a support group for moms who have preschoolers. It meets twice a month on Tuesdays during the school year from 9:30 to 11:30. They have classes for children and the children have a story, craft, activity and snack. There is a small meeting fee to cover the cost of the craft.
The mom's meet together for a speaker, craft, and snack. The speakers are chosen to meet a need that moms have. The crafts are always something that can be completed during the meeting and are very cute. It is always such a feeling of accomplishment to walk out with a cute craft that I created without being interrupted by my children. The speakers are wonderful and always have something that I need to hear.
The other women in the group are friendly, inviting and always encouraging.