I have been going to this church for almost a year now. I love how it is family oriented, there are lots of way to get connected, the church really emphasizes getting to know each other and creates events and things for Youth, Young Adults, Seniors, and everyone in general to come together. The messages are always well done by our pastor Chris Larsen. There are also three service times One in the morning, afternoon and evening. This church is Strong and committed to growing in our faith and saturating in Gods word. We love each other, we are genuine with each other. Ever since I got involved here my faith has sky rocketed, I have grown closer to God in ways I cannot explain. I feel loved and welcome here no matter what is going on in my life. Our worship music is generally loud, but the worship team works hard to balance it out - sometimes singing old school hymns, and most times singing up beat Country - style Gospel music (the type you would hear on Spirit 105.3 radio station). I think this church has something for everyone. Its a great place to grow in your faith, or even just explore Christianity. The church is predominately white (in case you might be wondering) but seriously every one is welcome, we are all Gods family, I am a person of color myself, I feel very loved and welcome here. Worship is awesome, Teaching of the word is detailed, applicable and genuine, and the people are great. No matter who you are, If you are looking for a good Christian church in the Kent area, try Faith Church, I can almost guarantee you will fall in love.