you won't find it!
Movie madness has the regular stuff that you might find at block buster but it also has stuff no one else will. For example, how many video stores in Portland carry my personal intellectual cult classic "Dinner with Andre" or Japanese anime or French feature films??
Movie Madness has staff that are truely fanatical movie goers. Each week you can find different staff picks posted in various sections....find one you like and you'll start to become that staff reviewer's own personal fan!
In this day and age of patriotism, one thing that may interest many people is their vast collection of old war films...not a favorite of mine, but truly loved by many of my men friends. (Ok, not "loved" but "wanted" - more "manly")
Price wise, Movie Madness is about the same as every other film rental place around...but their selections go far above and beyond the call of duty.