Although the place is small and the items are crowded in the store, the always manage to get the latest toys my sons are looking for. I am always able to find the complete set of the latest Power Rangers at the store. The Christmas I was able to buy the entire set of Mystic Force Power Rangers while the other stores had them alll sold out or were missing certain rangers. The staff is always friendly and even gave me a discount of 10% off this season. I'm not sure if it was just for the holiday or buying a lot but that was an added bonuse. They also carry the latest in video games and this year my husband was one of the first people to get the much coveted Soccum 3 when it came out because the employee really did keep to his word and called him as soon as the game came in.
I'd say the store always carries the latest of games, cards, and popular toys, though not many toys as the name states.