Having used Mr. Rooter Plumbing in the past for minor drain cleaning, it was an easy choice of who to call when it was time to move my business and have the plumbing hooked up to the city main. Two technicians arrived onsite to show us exactly what needed to be done and exactly what it would cost. After we gave our authorization, the techs began working on what would turn into a nightmare-ish project. They worked hours upon hours upon hours to take care of my building and have me up and running for the city inspection. It turns out the city plumbing was a bit more difficult underground than previously thought but the technicians never waivered. The worked tirelessly and carefully and kept us apprised the entire time. Our price never changed despite the fact it turned out to be more complicated than originally thought (thank you, City of ____). There is no other plumbing company I would use or recommend, ever! When it comes to plumbing, Mr. Rooter is my guy!