When I picked up my car a week later, I did a quick walk around and didn’t notice any visible damage on the car exterior, but I found it a little interesting that the contents of the glove compartment were all on the passenger side floor. I chalked it up to hasty workmanship and went on to run my normal errands.
When I finally had a chance to look in the trunk, I noticed that over $250 worth of tools were missing with no obvious explanation to their absence. I called the dealership to ask what happened and if one of the technicians had happened to remove them during service and forget to return them. The advisor answering the phone said that he would need to talk to his supervisor and call me back.
About 45 minutes passed before I got frustrated from waiting and called back. From what the service representative told me, apparently there was a break-in at the dealership and a number of cars were damaged and had items stolen from them from wheels to windows broken in and GPS and radios stolen, but thankfully since my car was left unlocked in their lot, there was no external damage to it, just items missing.
While I’m glad that my car didn’t have any physical damage, I’m sure that had my vehicle been secured properly, no items would’ve been stolen at all. There’s a reason why my car has an alarm system on it and locks for that matter. When I asked the dealer for the police report number that they filed with the local precinct, they said there wasn’t one and they would take care of it. This sounds very strange to me, if the damage to the other vehicles is as extensive as they indicated to me, I’m a little surprised that there is no formal report of it.
Given the fact that they neglected to disclose the fact that vehicles were broken into under their watch when I picked up my car and that no police report was filed, leads me to not put any trust into this dealership or their work in the future. I recommend that everyone who reads this review do the same.