been out vet for over 15 yrs - when on burton very caring and friendly. good prices. since move - only bad. push unnecessary tests - push products even when you tell them made pet ill, say oh could not have been spend $80 more and try again.
last straw we took in dalmation (15 yrs) for skin problems. having problems with food alergies. gave meds for dalmation we discussed other dogs owned (these dogs they have seen) dal was to be on meds for 3 months. Few weeks later our collie became very ill, panting - stumbling - salivating. Took to St Francis - it was a Sunday. They gave IV's asked what dog could have gotten into, come to find out he had been given dal's food bowl by mistake. The ivermectin the dal was on is toxic to collies. Why did animal care clinic not tell us? Called them on Monday - receptionist said so sorry. No call from vet at all - called back Thursday was told by concerns were addressed. Asked why vet had not called - told she could give him a message to call me. WHY? I asked - a little late. Told her showed how much he cares about the animals. No compassion - in it for $$$$$ - no caring for pets