Oh! How many millions of miles I must have skated on the warbly floors of Stardust Skate Center as a child, adolescent, and adult.
What can be said about a skating rink that hasn't been said before? The shoe room smells like feet, the concession stand floors are sticky and gummy, and you'll be hard pressed to find anyone over the age of 17 there on a Friday or Saturday night.
But who cares about that? It's a skating rink. Go ahead, rent some speed skates, get a partner, and skate your night away. They still have the "couple skates" where they will toss out anyone who isn't partnered up. They have the boys only, girls only, and the obligatory hokey pokey.
Be a kid again. Strap on the skates, wear your knee-high socks and short-shorts, adjust your stopper and you are ready. to. go!