Pleased with Professional Salesmanship My husband and I had talked about selling my Miata MX-5 to purchase a more "grown up" car. I had the Miata listed at Kelly Blue Book private party price on Craigslist,, and advertised in our local print newspaper. After months of tire kickers and no-shows, we finally decided we had to trade it at a dealers. Gave me shivers! I hate car dealers! Riverview Toyota staff and my salesperson, Mr. Phillip Mason, changed my assessment of "sleazy car dealers" for the better. Mr. Phillip Mason treated me with courtesy and respect. He Listened to my offers and did not give me the awful car salesperson full frontal assault. Of course, I did not get my deal as I had outlined, but the point is that Phillip listened to my requests and facilitated in a professional manner. I always feel that when I go into a dealership I am going to get taken advantage of, it is simply a matter of how much! I highly recommend Mr. Phillip Mason of Riverview Toyota for his professionalism and courtesy. He had superior knowledge of the vehicle I chose to test and purchase and made the experience least painful!