My son went to this school for a little over a year, it started out ok, better then the crappy day care he was in, but soon came to realize that they were not as friendly to the needs of "special needs" children. My son was diagnosed ADHD with developmental delays at age 3, he started in the inclusion classroom through the bucks county IU here at ahe 4 and went until he was in the pre-K room. I also receive wraparound services for him through Lenape Valley Foundation. They were not happy when the TSS & BSC from Lenape told me what was "actually" going on such as at circle time, when my son would wander off to do his own thing-the teacher was told that he's "special" and doesn't have to participate in circle time with the rest of the class... We had many meetings with the teacher's, who were willing to follow the behavior plan we had been trying at home, but alas, the director/owner didn't agree with the plan & didn't want to comply with it, so basically there was no consistency at school, which sabotaged his home progress.
About 8 months ago he started at another school, which is actually part of a chain of day care centers and he has improved considerably & we've had no problems with their compliance & they've even come up with new ideas...It's amazing to me that a school that has an IU classroom and a special needs camp along with it would be so unfriendly to a special needs child.