Overall, I thought it was overpriced for the quantity/quality of what I got. I purchased the Steak/Shrimp and Scallops which was around 38 bucks. I ended up getting out of there for aroud 90 for 2 meals and a kid.
I almost left when the chef asked the worker for another peice of salmon and the worker brought it to the table on his dirty hand and tried to hide it down low so no one could see. The chef quietly told the man to return from where he came from and "bring it on a plate".
The flavors were good and the food was fresh ,but my mind couldn't get past the mishandled food.
Some of the standard knife and fork tricks done by the chef where incomplete which made me think he needed more practice. He couldn't even catch the lemon on the fork and most of the time he was carelessly flinging the knives and forks around, all I could imagine was myself be impaled.
Overall, I saw a different chef doing the tricks properly at the table next to us with so much style, beauty and control that immediately I knew, I got the "B" team.
I don't think I will return eventhough there is a lack of good steak/seafood on the eastside.