Although the hygienist, Pauline, was nice enough. The people in charge are RUDE! This includes Dr. G., the head hygienist, and the office manager. They talk about the patients while they're still there. Didn't think I heard them but didn't want to cause a scene. Their ads state they cater to those afraid but that's a LIE. They wanted to see one of my sons again but not the other because he was crying a little (mainly due to not taking a nap). This was was Dr. G's "professional opinion." When I wanted to try my sleepy son one more time before leaving, the office manager lied and said the hygienist had another patient. Since I knew she was lying because she didn't realize I heard her talking to the head hygienist who told her that the doctor would rather not have my child come back there! I told her to make an appointment for the next couple of months. :-) The hygienist came out and I told her to tear up the six month cards that I completed and I will find a dentist that really cares about their patients. They better not charge me for the son they didn't see! If you are considering them, DON'T! FIND ANOTHER BEFORE YOU EVEN GO!