Previously, at 149,204 miles I had the mass air flow sensor and evap. flow sensor replaced which the mechanic detected using the ECU. This was reason for the check engine light came on. It seem to fix the problem. After driving the truck for a few weeks, I notice the that the engine ran rough and didn't have power at times. This didn't occur all the time, but I knew something was mechanically wrong. After a few more miles the check engine light came on once again. Return the vehicle to the shop with the mileage of 149,409. The mechanic utilized the ECU device which retrieved the engine was running rich, Catalytic Converter was plugged. Causing the power to be sluggish. Spark Plug #4 had a hair line crack, spark plug wires were arching, due to age, and the Idle Air Control motor was leaking vacuum, This caused the engine not to have consistent idle. So, all these old parts were removed and the new parts were installed. Drove the truck home and notice a remarkable different of power and the idle was smooth like it should be. This solve the difficulty and very please with the work preform.
Thank you Hector, the mechanic, and Bolger Bros.