I was forced to bring my bearded dragon to Como Park Animal Hospital as my normal reptile veterinarian's clinic was not open on a saturday afternoon. While under Como Park Animal Hospital's care, my bearded dragon consumed a large section of paper towel. She has no access to paper towel in my home and could not have possibly been bought with it as she was a mere 12 grams, now over 300. After consuming the paper towel, she was unable to swallow, became severely dehydrated and emaciated due to her inability to eat. It took us 4 months and 1000$ to figure out what was going on as I was unaware of the paper towel blocking her esophagus. My bearded dragon went through immense suffering as she endured diagnostic tests, treatments, multiple fluids, injections, medications, etc. etc. etc. When I brought this to Como Park Animal Hospital's attention, they not only made up inaccurate excuses to deflect the blame, but wouldn't even acknowledge the fact that it was even possible it occurred