My husband and I graduated from WWP schools, and had moved back into the area 2 years ago. I was on the hunt searching for a quality nursery school for my daughter. I initially toured Goddard and passed on it. Regrettably. I enrolled my daughter in a newer school with pretty staff crafted artwork and pics of their students adorning the hallways. Pretty school with pretty promises=results right? Wrong. Getting information from my daughter in regards to what she was learning was like pulling teeth. My gut told me to stop in at random times and see what was going on. I was saddened and dismayed by what my drop ins had revealed at her nursery school. I knew she needed a new direction, so my search began again. My little one doesn't fit the mold for a "self reliance" teaching method so Montessori schools were out. A playground may have changed my mind, but I went back to Goddard, instantly recognizing why I didn't choose it in the first place. The parking lot had pot holes. The mural insi