On 03/08/2014 myself and my wife were involved in a motor vehicle accident and were directed to the firm of Sackstein,Sackstein&Lee.
While our case is still pending , I would however like to take this opportunity to express my utmost gratitude to Paralegal Mariam Andino on the handling of our legal issues.
From my initial contact with Miriam, I immediately develop huge respect for her. She was explicit with her information,as direct as can be. She explained what you would be up against, what to expect and what not to look out for. I can always depend on Miriam to accept my calls or call back if she is busy and any problems that I may have with any paper work or whatever Miriam is right on top of it.
On conclusion I see that Miriam see's you more as a person with feelings than just a client. She cares
Sackstein,Sackstein&Lee should be proud and grateful of Miriam, I know I am.