We are writing to you today to express both our sincere thanks and our deep appreciation for the
work you have recently completed in our home in which you replaced the electric panel that was
installed thirty-five years ago. You were chosen by us to be the electrician to do our work this
year initially because of the recommendation of a person we know and trust and then because of
our own previous experience in dealing with you as you assisted us with an outdoor electrical
installation three years ago. In each of the instances in which we dealt with you, we found that you clearly understood our needs and our preferences and then carefully guided us through the process of choosing among the several electrical options that were open to us. And, when we finalized our decision, we were convinced that we had made the best choice possible related both to the work that we wished to have done and the excellent parts and labor warranty that was a part of our agreement.
The work that was done by you and by your excellent associate, Lewis Floyd, was completed in precisely the manner that you originally indicated and that we anticipated it would be accomplished.
Indeed, in dealing with one circuit about which we were especially concerned, you went even
beyond our original conversations and completed a level of testing that greatly reassured us that you and we had made the correct decisions relating to that particular part of the overall project.
Also, we appreciate the respect that you showed for us and to our time schedules as well as to our
home and property.
Again, thank you, Randy and Lewis, it has been a pleasure to work with you as you have made our
home a safer place in which to live and to which we invite our family members and friends.