Randy I want to express my heartfelt thanks regarding the top quality work you performed in replacing my outdated load center circuit panel last week. I couldn't be more pleased with you and the experience!
I was impressed for the start of your visit for preparing scoping the work. You called before arriving to confirm the appointment, you arrived punctually, you introduced yourself clearly and then handed me info about you and your company. (e.g.) a copy of your license & insurance policy). As you inspected the old panel you explained what you were finding, you asked about what work I had in mind and then listened carefully to my responses, and you offered options and discussed them. You spoke like someone who deeply knows his subject! You emphasized safety and using top quality products, along the way pointing out that using premium products costs a bit more but that the added cost is a fraction of the total, so it makes sense to use nothing but the best for the added cost is a fraction of the total, so it makes sense to use nothing but the best for the added safety & reliability they can provide. I liked that you said you do the key aspects of the work to a level of quality that's better than the minimum required but Code.
Before I retired I worked for the Navy as a submarine design engineer overseeing design upgrades to our submarines. A main focus of my responsibility was ensuring safety and reliability of the upgrades. As you spoke of you views of doing electrical work, it reminded me of myself and highly regarded coworkers and our views towards keeping our subarmines safe and reliable. The parallel was striking!
I was completely satisfied with your and every aspect of your work. In the 2 days you worked on my house, you stayed in close touch by email & phone calls prior to your arrival, you were punctual, when I expressed interest in the work you explained what you were doing each steph of the way and why you were doing it that way, and it was not uncommon for you to offer me more options (e.g., "I could do it like this __or like this__. this way might be better because...") you were pleasant 100% of the time, and you were true to your work that you'd be impeccably neat.
Every aspect of the installation you made worked well for the start. Interestingly the City Electrical Inspector noticed the better that Code grounding upgrade details that you'd installed and told me he was impressed.
Randy I greatly respect your work ethic and your craftsmanship. I've never had a tradesman I've been so completely satisfied with!