Never work with the mafia group of St. Francis Animal Hospital in Hollywood Florida. After several calls, and rude treatment i was told I could not receive paperwork that my dog passed away last year bc, ""it's in storage"". I requested one piece of paper indicated that in fact he arrived, ""DOA"" bc I'm being harassed by animal services about my dogs tag. The director proceeded to say he would not retrieve my dogs files from said storage (regardless of the $300+ that I paid for funeral services). He said I was trying to obtain a service for free... My document indicating Max passed away. I said I would pay and then he proceeded to say it would cost an additional $50 for one piece of paper stating DOA. When I told him the price was outrages and that I work in the medical field and we do not charge for paperwork, he told me his experience in memorial hospital, where he paid $1.50 per page. I said well that is reasonable. I would pay the $1.50 for the one sheet of paper I needed. He said no. I asked if there was anyone else I could speak to and he said no and hung up. \r
When I attempted to call back, the rudest manager would not transfer me to the director. I again explained the cost was outrageous and since in their computer it indicated that in fact I brought Maximus on March 16, 2013, DOA that they should not have trouble fabricating the proper document. Again, I was basically told to fly a kite. \r
They are acting like the mafia. Very threatening, rude, and uncomplying. \r
Please at all cost... Do not take your animal to St. Francis Animal hospital unless you enjoy people taking your money and wiping their feet with you!\r
#justsaynoto #stfrancisanimalhospital\r