Last night a girl was harassing me because I was a Seahawks fan. She would purposefully follow me around the bar [this happened a total of 4 times] and ask people what I was talking about so she could start a fight. I do not know this girl. She was friends with the Bouncer though- I know because I saw them talking for about 15 minutes in between her harassment. On the last occasion I was literally trying my hardest to stay away from her and she followed me outside, interrupted our conversation which was awkward to those involved, then she just started yelling at me, ended up spitting at me, and pushed me - at that point the bouncer came outside and started yelling at me with his finger pointed in my face. He kept yelling, ""this is still MY property for one more month so you do what I say"" - the point of having a bouncer is to de-escalate situations and possibly interfere when necessary. He was escalating the situation beyond reasonable measure and causing a greater problem than the one that existed. However, this guy seemed to think that because she was 4'11"" and I am 5'8"" that there was no way she could be the one instigating. This girl committed 2 class 4 misdemeanors and I was the one ejected. My regular bartender Amy who knows that we don't start fights just stood there as if she was afraid of him too and didn't defend us as did another member of their staff who knows us very well. This bar is scheduled to shut down in a month. Maybe that is why this bouncer's behavior was so out of line. Or maybe bad behavior like this is WHAT MADE THEM LOSE PROFIT. Not excusable. They definitely charged me for the drink I had just ordered. So, I guess they got their profit anyways.