Not the best service that I have had from a les schwab. I had to walk over there about a half mile during the snow flury we had because I couldn't get my car out the drive way. I get there, the lady gets my chains that I pay $89 for even though the outside of the bag is all beat up and I asked her if she was sure it was new and she said yes of course. I walked back home but the chains were rusty and there were no instructions. I called them and was upset, used some swear words and the guy on the phone said if I could get there before they close they would exchange them. They didnt offer to come drop them off. I had to walk back again and the lady just said sorry she should have checked in the bag even though I questioned the bag the first time I had to walk there. Still no offer to even drop me off. I guess it's Beaverton les schwab for me from now on. It wouldn't tick me off so much if I didn't have rhuematoid arthritis and it takes alot of energy out of me.