I saw Dr. Brisco for problems I was having with dry eye. It was getting so bad that I had to put artificial tears when I woke up so my eyes would stop stinging (I don't sleep in contacts). Everything went smoothly and the doctor seemed pretty caring, professional, and knowledgeable. She actually tested my ""tear film"" in a really cool yet simple way, and told me what she was doing, so I learned a lot from this visit. I also left with ""homeopathic"" eye drops that would get my eye to produce its own tears instead of depending on artificial tears like I've been doing, and a bottle of fish oil gel capsules made especially for eyes.\r
The front office was comfortable and I was able to read up on some interesting eye facts and things, so that was cool. They also have a cute little area with toys and pictures for kids.\r
Lastly, the pricing was reasonable for an office in this area. I'm a college student and everything with my student health insurance went well. I ended up only having to pay for the drops and capsules, and a retinal photo or something that would let her check the back of my eye. I figured since I haven't done it before, it'd be helpful to do it once in a while. Oh and the front office girl was super nice and friendly :) I felt so welcome! I think her name is Alex...