ZERO stars. I brought my 1996 Carrera 4S there for a engine fan check light and had that repaired only to find out that the mechanic had put a hole in the fan housing that they denied. I asked to do the plugs and wires. Tom Vick talked me out of the wires and they put new plugs in. Drove it home and the check engine light came on. It was misfiring for 2-cylinders. Now he said to change the wires. Now another labor fee and its is still misfiring!! I took it to Barrier and they said that Autohaus had disengaged the fan warning light and it should not be misfiring after a tune up!! Over $100 repair just for that! They even stuck me for a rental car bill that Tom Vick said he would pay. I am suing them. Stay away from this business as they are schisters and thieves.