I will never recommend anyone to go here. At first , Sylvia seemed to be a very nice person. THe class was supposed to start on Sept 9, 2013 and then there was no teacher to start the phlebotomy course. So they said the class will start the next MOnday. I showed up for the class and they had me to sit in a EMT to classroom just to waste time. Then the next day she called me to say that class would not be on Tuesday, and they are looking for a teacher. Well THIS WENT ON FOR WEEK AFTER WEEK. ITS January NOW. ABOUT 3 WEEKS AGO SHE CALLED ME TO COME PICK UP A CHECK ON A FRIDAY AND TO SAY TO ME DONT CASH IT UNTIL MONDAY, SO I WAITED, ON MONDAY OF COURSE THE FUNDS WAS NOT AVAILABLE. NOW ITS JANUARY AND WE STILL HAVENT GOT THE MONEY AND I haven't gotten rude or cursed her out yet. IM REALLY TRYIN TO BE NICE, BUT WHAT BUSINESS DOESNT HAVE THE MONEY TO REFUND THEIR POTENTIAL STUDENTS. THIS IS HELL OF CRAZY. SHE HAS BEEN GIVING ME THE RUN AROUND SINCE SEPTEMBER 2013. I PLAN TO GO SEE HER IN PERSON AGAIN THE LAST TIME ON JANUARY 13 MONDAY. AGAIN DONT GO HERE. I DONT RECOMMEND THIS SCHOOL TO NO ONE . THEY NEED TO BE SUED.\r