I have to beg to differ with the review down below. I went to visit my folks this year and I loved going to the dining room every day! It was like going to a nice restaurant with linens and nice place settings. The food and the portions were terrific. My mom set it up so we could get a tour of the kitchen one afternoon and it is run like a top notch restaurant. \r
I have to agree with Les, it was a really good food experience every day for a solid week! The people are really nice. In talking with many of the residents over meals, I learned that this place is actually known for having really good food. \r
I loved seeing the gentlemen in their jackets ""dressing"" for dinner. This mentality does not surprise me, the people I met there have lived upscale most of their lives. The staff is attentive. They know everyone's name and call them by name. This is a really great place to live. I am looking forward to my next visit out west to see my parents!