WARNING!!!! WARNING!!!! WARNING!!!! Be very careful what you sign here. We were REFUSED service today because I would not let my 18 year old exchange student sign what they call a NON-DISPARAGEMENT AND NON PUBLIC COMMENT AGREEMENT. This form was placed in the middle of a large stack of papers she was required to sign before she could see a Dr. Thank goodness I took the time to read what she was signing.\r
By signing this agreement the patient agrees to pay MMC a minimum of $5000 if they receive bad service and post a negative comment or review about MMC online or say anything negative about them in public. Signing this agreement also voids your confidentiality rights required under the HIPPA act.\r
#2 on this document they make you sign states:. Patient agrees that he or she will not make any disparaging public comments about MMC doctors, employees or any services provided.\r
#3 states: Patient stipulates and agrees that the Patient shall be liable to MMC for any disparaging public comments made. Patient agrees and stipulates that the amount of such liability shall be no less than $5,000 per comment. Patient agrees to pay any and all fees and costs of collecting such amounts from Patient.\r
#4 states: Patient agrees and acknowledges that if a Patient makes any public comment about MMC, its doctors and employees, or any services provided by MMC, that Patient waives any and all doctor-patient confidentiality, including a complete waiver ALL confidentiality that would otherwise be required under the HIPPA act.\r
If you choose to receive service here and sign this form you are giving up your First Amendment rights and basically allowing them to give you sub-quality medical care if they choose and potentially facing a law suit from their attorney: Martin Legal Group if you say, comment or file a complaint against them. \r
The person I brought into the clinic for a sports physical was over 18 years old and did present a valid ID which the clinic photocopied. NO scene was made and we quietly left after refusing to sign the paperwork referred to above. The receptionist never asked for the paper back from us. It was in the girl's hand when she walked out the door. \r
One big question that needs to be made public is why they make their patients sign this paper in the first place. I think I found the answer.\r
I contacted a lawyer this morning and they recommended that I file a complaint with the Florida Medical Review Board documenting all correspondence that has occurred from the clinic about this paperwork. That site also allows you to search any disciplinary actions that have been taken against any Medical Practitioners in FL. It is interesting to read the information documented there. You can also go to the Brevard Clerk of Courts website and search for cases that have been filed in Brevard county....\r