My name is Julie, I am the owner of The Man Cave Exchange Consignment Store and also we purchase outright. I started the business 3 years ago and have over 1015 consignors and many more sellers and buyers. I am an honest business woman who has an iron clad contract. My consignors sign a contract stating that I consign customer’s items 60-90 days and after 100 days item become property of store if customers do not return for it. I am a consignment store, not a storage unit. Customers are responsible to check in and pick up items, I do not call anyone. \r
When you bring in your items into the store, we price and tag each item, while customer is in the store. Each customer leaves with a receipt of what they brought it and what we priced it at. Also the receipt is dated. \r
I am sorry that the woman that wrote defamatory lies against me did not read the contract correctly or never bothered to come pick up her item, that she seems so upset about. If she was so worried then why did she never come back to pick it back up?\r
All consignment stores, auto repair and other types of businesses work the same way. If items are left for a certain amount of time they become the businesses where they were left. \r
I have done nothing wrong, and she has harassed me, and threatened me. I also have contacted my attorney and have contract Ms. Potter singed. I do feel bad, but this is a business and she did not follow the contract. \r
I have a great business and many loyal followers; we are growing and will soon be doing firearms. \r
Thank you\r