Worth noting, is that I'm writing this review for services rendered at Chatoak from April 20, 2013 and it's now September 2013 - that's exactly how long I've remained upset at the experience. Don't get me wrong - my dog is alive and well. He's actually better than ever. The problem is simply that I was literally preyed on for my lack of knowledge about veterinary medicine (specifically, bloat) and due to the love of my dog. I came in on a Saturday during business hours at the request of my regular vet because an x-ray showed that my dog had an excessive amount of water in his stomach. She wanted to rule out bloat and sent me to Chatoak for an opinion. Within 15 minutes, the vet at Chatoak told me that my dog would need a $6000 surgery or he would die. When I explained that I didn't have $6000 and asked more questions, the vet told me they could pump his stomach for an estimate of $1665.50 - 2289.55 (yes, I have all the original paperwork still) and while this procedure would relieve him, a dog subject to bloat would definitely bloat again if I didn't have his stomach sewn to his ribcage immediately. I left him to the vet to perform the emergency stomach pumping. When I called to check on him, another vet got on the phone and said he couldn't be released because even though the stomach pumping was done, his stomach HAD TURNED and therefore it was inevitable that his stomach will twist again and he will surely die unless I immediately get the $6000 surgery. I argued and said no (by now I've done a lot of emotionally charged research). She confirmed that YES, his stomach had twisted (LIES!) and that if I take him out she would need to know where he was being transferred to and would leave the catheter in since he needed emergency care. I took him out anyway (very forcefully and angry as all hell). Their final bill and medical records chart indicated ZERO x-rays or other diagnostic tests that would indicate bloat and ZERO tests or confirmations that would indicate any kind of stomach twisting or untwisting. All they did was charge me a fortune for a stomach pumping (water was the only thing dispelled as indicated in the records). I took him to Malibu vet the next day and for $388, they did a CT Scan, x-rays, blood work, fecal test and found absolutely nothing wrong. I paid $388 and both vets looked at me like I was absolutely crazy and making up this story about what happened and what I was told about my dog. DO NOT GO TO A VET THAT PREYS ON YOU FOR LOVING YOUR DOG. Feel free to contact me for all of the documentation proof. I'm more than willing to spend my free time saving another family from this emotional and monetary heartbreak. The vet actually let me think I was going to have to put my dog to sleep in a effort to get me to pay for unnecessary surgery. Sickening.