My husband and I have been taking our pets to Pet Medical Center Chatoak for almost 15 years. On July 5th, 2016 I brought my cat in. My vet was there that day but not available. I had Dr. Cynthia Binder instead and she was by far the worst vet we ever had there. In retrospect she gave me reasons from the get go that day to either insist on my vet or take my cat somewhere else. But I decided to trust in a place that I brought pets to for so many years.
That morning my cat vomited, his eyes looked glazed over, he wouldn't eat. Dr. Binder checked him out, checked his vitals, took blood. And the blood work results would not come in until the next day. She was preoccupied with me signing up for some plan that would cut the cost of the blood work in half. I told her right off the bat that my cat had insurance. She said this would save me more money. I wasn't even concerned about the money I wanted to get help for my cat. She asked me twice if he "accidentally" got into someone's sedatives. I told her twice there were no sedatives in our house. She told me I could leave him there for observation. I opted to bring him home. About an hour after I got home I checked on him before I was leaving for work and he was lying in his litter box. My husband held him and his head was hanging over. I brought him back. I told the people at the front desk that Binder told me I could bring him back for observation but he was not there for observation it was now an emergency. They checked him in. They were very busy that day so I left and went to work. I thought they would call but they didn't. I called them. I was told that he perked up after I left and he had food and water. I told them to call me at work if he got worse again. My husband called as well and reminded them that he had insurance and to do whatever they needed to do to find out what was wrong and treat him. I went back after work. I had not heard from Binder all day. She called me while I was sitting in the waiting room waiting to see my cat.