My family and I would absolutely recommend Bent Tree Family Physicians. The doctors there are the most thorough physicians we have ever met. \r
Their approach to preventative health has proven to be life changing. The various test (i.e. extensive blood work, etc.), which allows an in depth look into areas that may have previously been a health concern, but never offered by other physicians, has proven to be priceless.\r
My daughter was admitted in the hospital and through modern technology, Dr. Latta's office was notified. We received a phone call from one of the professional staff members of Dr. Latta's office the next day to see how she was feeling. The call was very refreshing and encouraging to say the least. We were also reminded to make certain we scheduled a follow-up appointment after discharge.\r
We have never had an experience with doctors that are so compassionate, caring and kind. Their medical degrees go far beyond practicing medicine, they make us feel that we are not simply a name on a chart in a pile of medical records, but a part of a medical family that is genuinely concerned about our over all well being.