With creditors continually calling me and not enough money to pay them......and a business that failed, I was very close to a breakdown and I did not know what to do. I found the Law Office of Robert Weed online, and I watched his video and promptly made an appointment. At the Law Office of Robert Weed, I found an angel named AJ. She has been my Paralegal, a coach, a friend, a mentor, and she kept me from going off the deep end! She guided me through the bankruptcy process, turning a negative situation into a positive one, giving me true hope for the future. She always made me feel like I was the only client she had - she always had time for me, to include giving up personal time on her vacation to finalize my paperwork and file my case. She is an exceptional person and I am certain she has helped countless numbers of people turn their lives around. Because of AJ, I am moving forward - I learned from my past mistakes - and I feel like a new person. If you are in financial trouble and do not see a way out - call Ms. AJ. She will make a true difference in your life.