Dr. Durkin was automatically assigned to me as my dentist by my insurance so before making an appointment I decided to check on what her current patients think of her. Well I am not impressed. I see multiple comments/reviews that are EXACTLY alike with different names on them. How could two different people come up with the exact same wording. Makes me question who is actually writing the reviews. Examples: Tranquility and Tommy both say ""My 13 yr old son had 3 teeth extracted before making braces.....Hmmm making braces?----Fara P and Gabby both say ""My daughter had 4 wisdom teeth removed in one sitting.......Briny P and Green both say ""All the procedures were as close to painless as possible....EXACT SAME WORDS. I kept on reading and found MANY more that are the same but just did not add them. Questioning this. ?????????