I have a beloved kitty that has a terminal heart disease. I met Dr. Crowder a yr. ago and was very impressed by her and the services she offered. I have had to part with numerous beloved 4 legged family members most of which needed to spend their last moments in vet clinics. Though I have always loved my animals' doctors I have not wanted them to pass in that setting. My last dog fortunately was able to pass in our home. I have been in contact for some time with Dr. Crowder re: when the time may come for me to let Lily go. Today I met 2 other members of her team Dr. Watkins and her vet tech. I requested a consultation after my Lily went into distress. I was also in contact with one of the other vets over the phone Dr. Candice. I can only ""ditto"" all the previous comments/reviews on this site by others. All 3 vets and the tech have been nothing short of wonderful. On the unfortunate day that I do have to make the decision to part with my angel Lily I'll be very thankful to have them with us.